WMN Issue 4 When We Leave

Lesbian artists and poets who have had experience with migration and immigration, international relocation, displacement, refugees & borders.


Issue Number 4, When We Leave, features 17 artists and poets who identify as lesbian and have had experience with migration and immigration, international relocation, displacement, refugees & borders. Preface by Hila Amit.

WMN believes in representing sectors of the lesbian community that are not always given the visibility they deserve. We want to support lesbian artists and writers who have had experience migrating in any capacity. Given the current political climate throughout most of the globe, the experience for immigrants, or folks who have had life experience with migration, is often an underrepresented, complicated and beautiful personal story. Immigration is wrapped up in politics, language, family lineage, traditions, nostalgia, adaptation, the new, the unknown and the re-born. Most importantly, this topic is necessary for continued conversations around intersectionality, forward thinking and creating a world that acknowledges its history and supports its future.


Sobre el número de la revista

WMN ISSUE 4: Convocatoria abierta. When We Leave (Cuando partimos) es una convocatoria Internacional para quienes se identifican como lesbianas y han tenido experiencias con migración e inmigración, el desplazamiento, relocación, asilo político, refugiados y fronteras.

WMN cree en la representación de sectores marginados de la comunidad lésbica a los que no siempre se les da la visibilidad que merecen. Queremos apoyar a les artistes y escritores lesbianas que han tenido experiencias migratorias de cualquier tipo. Dado el clima político actual y mundial, la experiencia de los inmigrantes o de las personas que han tenido experiencias de vida migratorias involucra historias personales poco representadas, complejas, profundas y con diferentes narrativas.  La inmigración como temática envuelve la política, el lenguaje, el linaje familiar, las tradiciones culturales, la nostalgia, la adaptación, lo nuevo, lo desconocido y lo recién nacido.

Nour Abu-Abdou, Angela Bonadies, Milena Dìaz Rojas, Fernanda Forero, Nayana Guanipa, Isabel Ruiz Cano, Andrea Martín, Gianna Mula, kevanté ac cash, María Alejandra Fuenmayor, Tandi Reason Dahl, jess saldaña, Ingrid Staats, Elisa Quero, Monise Valente da Silva, etaïnn zwer, Nuage ZD

5.5 x 8.5 in
400 copies
84 pages
Published 2022